Go Away I Like You Too Much wins Best of Show Animation at SD&A

I’m pleased to announce that The Simple Carnival – Go Away I Like You Too Much won Best of Show Animation yesterday at the Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference in San Francisco!

I wasn’t able to be there in person, but the conference appears to be a pretty deep dive into the art, science, and technology behind 3-D imaging. A big thanks goes out to the kind folks at SD&A for the honor!



Retinal rivalry, a Halloween costume, and more

stereo_world_3Here’s an article I wrote about a 3D effect called “retinal rivalry.” It was published in the latest issue of Stereo World, magazine of the National Stereoscopic Association:

The Seven Deadly Rivalries (PDF)

My Halloween costume is on the back cover of the magazine, and my mug is also in an article about for winning an award at the LA3D Movie Festival.

I don’t think I’ve ever taken up seven pages of a magazine before, but thanks, guys! It’s a real honor.